Dates of lentil's basic phases of growth and its development depending on the moisture conditions

  • V. O. Ushkarenko Kherson state agrarian university
  • S. O. Lavrenko Kherson state agrarian university
  • M. V. Maksimov Kherson state agrarian university
Keywords: lentil, moisture conditions, growth and development phase, sowing, blossoming, maturity


The article presents the dates of  the main phases of lentil growth and development (germination, blossoming, full maturity) depending on the conditions of moisture supply in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The regularities of the interphase and vegetation periods of plants depending on the thermal conditions (amount of active temperatures)  are determined during the years of research. The amount of active temperatures required for the main periods of individual growth and development of lentil is calculated.

Author Biographies

V. O. Ushkarenko, Kherson state agrarian university

Dr. habil.

S. O. Lavrenko, Kherson state agrarian university



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How to Cite
Ushkarenko, V., Lavrenko, S., & Maksimov, M. (2016). Dates of lentil’s basic phases of growth and its development depending on the moisture conditions. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 74 - 76. Retrieved from

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