Accounting of the weather and climate conditions during the assessments of efficiency of function the rice irrigation systems

  • A. М. Rokochinsky National university of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • V. A. Turchenuk National university of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • N. V. Prykhodko National university of Water and Environmental Engineering
Keywords: weather and climatic conditions, estimation of efficiency of functioning, rice irrigation systems


Considered the predictive estimation of the formation of weather and climate conditions of rice cultivation zone of Ukraine in the short and long term perspective and their impact on the natural land reclamation regimes of rice irrigation systems.

Author Biographies

A. М. Rokochinsky, National university of Water and Environmental Engineering


V. A. Turchenuk, National university of Water and Environmental Engineering



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How to Cite
Rokochinsky, A., Turchenuk, V., & Prykhodko, N. (2016). Accounting of the weather and climate conditions during the assessments of efficiency of function the rice irrigation systems. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 48 - 53. Retrieved from

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